Trail Camera Stories of the Northern Bobwhite by Camille M. Rich

A lone male having a seed snack for breakfast.

Mom and pop quail, as I affectionately call them, getting a seed snack together.

Quail hens are a force to be reckoned with—just ask this Green Jay!

Numerous quail enjoying the late afternoon at the watering hole.

A minor scuffle between two males.

Itchy, scratchy moment. 

This hen seems to notice the trail camera.

Mom and pop quail performing what I have described as their “seed dance.”

In the company of friends:  Pyrrhuloxia and Mourning Dove. 

In the company of more friends:  Long-billed Thrasher and Northern Cardinal.

Life on the South Texas Sand Sheet can be taxing. Stretching helps!

Cute as buttons!

Here’s baby!!!!!!

Keep your eyes peeled!

Did you see the baby chick by pop quail’s side?

I hope you have enjoyed these "Trail Camera Stories" as much as I have!
Camille Marie

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