Loeflingia squarrosa

Spreading Pygymyleaf
Family: Caryophyllaceae (Pink Family)
Flower Month: February – August
Bloom Color: White, Yellow
Duration: Annual
Growth Form: Forb

Armed / Unarmed: Unarmed
Leaf Complexity: Simple
Leaf Shape: Subulate
Size Notes: Up to 5” tall

Fruit Type: Capsule
Online sources for the information presented in this photo story:
- Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
- U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service
- United States Geological Survey
- Burke Herbarium Image Collection
- iNaturalist

- “Male Mesoxaea texana on the South Texas Sand Sheet”
- “Female Mesoxaea texana on the South Texas Sand Sheet”
- “Making more Mesoxaea texana on the South Texas Sand Sheet”
- “Mesoxaea texana nectaring on Waltheria indica on the South Texas Sand Sheet!”
- “Tepanec Long-horned Bees Nectaring on Coma on the South Texas Sand Sheet,” by C. M. Rich, Texas Master Naturalist
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